
Civic Engagement

In the past, volunteerism and community mobilization played a crucial role in promoting community participation in various activities such as cleanups, community security and anti-bushfire campaigns. This spirit of volunteerism and community engagement was the driving force behind these initiatives and made the communities stronger and more resilient.
Unfortunately, this spirit has been lost in recent times and as a result, young men and women in society have lost their sense of responsibility and community engagement. This has had a negative impact on the communities and has made them less cohesive and less proactive in addressing local issues.
To bring back the lost communities, it is important to rekindle the spirit of volunteerism and community mobilization. By encouraging the youth to get involved in community initiatives and taking an active role in their communities, we can help to promote a sense of responsibility and civic engagement. This will help to restore the sense of community spirit and bring back the lost communities.


We haves successfully established clubs in all SHSs and Technical institutions in both Tamale Metropolitan Assembly and Sagnarigu Municipal Assembly. A comprehensive data of over 1000 apprentices have also been captured in the preceding assemblies.

Student Campuses
Enrolled Students
Registered Apprentices
Student Clubs

Some Beneficiaries

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