Frequently Asked Questions

Because when a visitor first lands on your website, you’re a stranger to them. They have to get to know you in order to want to read your blog posts, subscribe to your email newsletter, or buy what you’re selling.

What is the eligibility of application to be part of YOUFROG?

If you are a Ghanaian youth between ages 16-40 years and within the categories of our thematic areas, it makes you qualify to apply.

How do I Apply to be part of YOUFROG Projects/Programmes

Visit our website on https://youthfrontiersghana.org/index.php/apprentice-enrolment-form/ and complete an appropriate form to apply.

Why join a YOUFROG Club

Joining a YOUFROG Club lets you meet people with similar interests, it can be a great way to meet other young persons with interests. More YOUFROG will mediate with other development partners for your growth.

Will I be able to apply for more than one thematic area?

Certainly yes, if you are deemed qualified you can benefit from more than one thematic area. YOUFROG ultimate goal is to help you reach your fullest potential.

In which Districts does YOUFRG operates?

We operate in all five(5) regions of the northern part of the Republic of Ghana in West Africa.

Does my membership expire after completion of my school or apprenticeship?

Your membership still upholds because your development or progress as a young person does end there, it’s only about to start. We will continue to work together.

What happens after I submit my online application

The YOUFROG team will review the application and contact you if further information is required. Approvals given for all applications will be given attention and action.

How do I know about YOUFROG’s future activities and programmes.

Constantly visit the website on https://youthfrontiersghana.org and our social media handles. FB Youth Frontiers Ghana, Twitter: #YoufrogBullets Youtube: Youth Frontiers Ghana


If you are a Ghanaian youth and hails from the 5 regions of the Northern Ghana, an economic/social group, a development partner who wants to be part of our campaign, send us a message to contact you appropriately. You may also use our social media handles to do same.